Personalized lnstruction
with Master Teacher

Sylvia Leiner Shordike

Founder of the
NeuroHorizons® Experiential Movement®
Learning Programs

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"Sylvia looks for all possibilities and strengths, with sincere, authentic, joyful intention and great energy. She connects, finds missing pieces, and skillfully presents my daughter with unique learning opportunities.

I would encourage anyone interested in working with their own or other Special Needs kids to take full advantage of Sylvia's programs."

Ivana Gadient
NeuroMovement Graduate &
Mother of Special Needs Child

“You are a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and above all else, compassion. The Parent Seminar gave me practical ways to help my son in the home environment, and the space to reflect on how best to support him going forward. Along the way I was able to re-connect and find a little piece of myself again."

Sinead Bourke
Mother of Special Needs Child

“Sylvia’s Parent Seminar was fantastic, giving me insight into my child’s challenges, and very practical tools that empower us parents. Beyond beneficial for us and our little one.”

Sally Batley
Mother of Special Needs Child

"Truly remarkable! I am so grateful for your unique, nourishing way of teaching that gives me awareness, comfort, and self-confidence for myself and for my child.”

Annemarie Miller
NeuroHorizons Graduate &
Mother of Special Needs Child

"Sylvia is a force of nature, and I am continuously inspired by her dedication to this work, to her students, and to her clients. When everything in the world seemed to have come to a screeching halt, she kept going with an enthusiasm that’s contagious.

After each 5-day segment my body feels so much better, my spirit is uplifted, and my own work with the children is enriched and inspired.”

Verena Kurz
NeuroHorizons Graduate &
NeuroMovement Graduate

“Through your patient and insightful teaching it became much clearer how my child learns, enabling me to focus on connecting with my kids rather than trying to find ways to ‘fix’ them. With this clarity I can feel a bit more like myself.”

Brieta E.
Mother of Special Needs Child

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Activate Your Native
Neural Plasticity
With a Personal Guide

There is a passionate place in my heart for Children with Special Needs. l work daily with these great kids and their families, supporting their advances through diverse challenges.

Over my 30+ years as a movement practitioner, teacher, and trainer l have observed the attitudes and approaches that consistently lead to optimal outcomes for these children. l want
you to learn those as well.

l have assembled, synthesized, and distilled key concepts and practical applications that will get you there, and sooner than you might imagine.

l bring all these elements to life in my personalized, experiential, and empowering learning programs that help you deepen your grounding, embodiment, perception, and confidence. You learn to empower yourself to empower the child.

Whatever your role or experience working with children, you can enliven and elevate your presence, skills, and service.
Enjoy more ease, grace, pleasure, and effectiveness in both your personal and professional life.

l look forward to
exploring this creative learning process with you!



Originator of the personalized NeuroHorizons® Experiential Movement® Learning Programs for parents and caregivers (since 2012).

⦿ Author of The NeuroHorizons Primer (2020), the essential "big picture" handbook for those seeking to elevate their service to Special Needs Children — through movement.

⦿ Formerly a Trainer for the Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® Professional and Children's Mastery training programs in California, and a long-time Practitioner at the Anat Baniel Method Center, California (2009-2016).

⦿ Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner(CM) (since 1994).

⦿ Certified Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® Practitioner (since 2002). ABMNM Mastery Certifications for Children with Special Needs, Aging and Vitality, and High Performers (2003).

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"l was trained by Anat Baniel and worked with her for many years as a Trainer and Practitioner at the Anat Baniel Method Center in California.

ln 2012 I created my own highly focused and personalized NeuroHorizons
® Experiential Movement® learning programs to address the unmet needs of parents and practitioners. These have since been attended by hundreds of caregivers and professionals from around the world.

My mission is to empower you to empower these great kids."

Click on the book cover above for its table of contents.

l authored The NeuroHorizons Primer for my students as well as for all movement practitioners, parents, and caregivers seeking to elevate their service to Children With Special Needs.

l consider this to be the essential "big-picture" handbook, the guide l wish l'd had myself as a young practitioner.

lt offers a lucid overview of the science, tools, attitudes, and artistry underlying my embodied approach to movement education.

Primer sets the stage for you to empower yourself to empower these great kids.

Felis aliquet egestas vitae, nibh ante quis quis dolor sed mauris. Erat lectus sem ut lobortis, adipiscing ligula eleifend, sodales fringilla mattis dui nullam. Ac massa aliquet.

Download as eBook

Order the paperback

To schedule individual movement lessons for your child:
Please contact me through the contact form on the Details page.

NeuroHorizons® is the registered USA, EU, UK, and Mexico trademark of Sylvia Shordike. Experiential Movement®, A Child's Neural Map is Not the Territory®, and Embody. Envision. Elicit. Empower.® are registered USA trademarks of Sylvia Shordike.

Feldenkrais® and Feldenkrais Method® are registered USA trademarks of Feldenkrais Guild Corporation California.

Anat Baniel Method® and NeuroMovement® are registered USA trademarks of Movement Coordination Learning, Inc. DBA Anat Baniel Method Corporation.

Sylvia is a
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner(CM) and a Certified Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® Childrens Mastery Practitioner. She is the founder of the NeuroHorizons Experiential Movement learning programs in the Americas and Europe.

The NeuroHorizons programs are neither affiliated with, nor sponsored or endorsed by, the Feldenkrais Guild or Anat Baniel or the Anat Baniel Method.

All text and photos ©2007-2024 Sylvia Shordike