7 Ways
ls Like No Other Program

Prioritizing Your
Embodied, Skillful, Creative Confidence

NeuroHorizons gives you the keys to growing a skillful and creative confidence working with the Special Needs Child. You empower yourself to empower these great kids, and sooner than you might imagine.

“I've taken a lot of courses, and this is the one in which I learned the most — not through 'studying' but by becoming more present — and how things can then 'miraculously' fall into place for both me and my child. I am so grateful.”

Roland Mueller
NeuroHorizons Graduate &
Father of Special Needs Child

It's amazing to observe the speedy learning by my NeuroHorizons classmates who are new to this work — their already deep understandings and gentle, attentive, relational touch after just a few segments. Truly impressive.”

Verena Kurz
NeuroHorizons Graduate &
NeuroMovement Graduate


As does every other “brand” of movement education of our genre, l draw inspiration from the genius of the late Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais.

Decades ago he was the first to describe the
subtle process of re-wiring our nervous system through unhurried self-awareness, variation, and differentiation — all via intentional yet gentle movement.

And, he was the first to show practitioners how to work in this manner with Special Needs Children, through gentle "movement lessons".

Yet today, no other program delivers my immediate
focus on the children. Nor my emphasis on your embodied, relational presence as the key to envisioning, translating, and transmitting learning opportunities to the kids.

l do
not rely on disembodied Zoom calls, old class videos, or rote "techniques" or "recipes".

l instead personally guide and support you
in each unfolding moment through your unique native learning process. This approach differs from other programs in 7 key ways:

Elicit the


One of our greatest gifts to the Child with Special Needs is the ability — through our embodied, relational presence — to creatively and fluidly “dance” with them through an expanding neural territory toward each new horizon.

One premise of our NeuroHorizons work is that a child’s habituated neural map is necessarily our starting point, but never the ending point.

My finely crafted curriculum takes you on a developmental adventure of your own. This learning process loosely mirrors the child’s journey — complete with impasses and breakthroughs — on the path to new neural networks and possibilities.

You are experiencing first-hand the brilliant reality of everyday neural plasticity and change.

Once we have embodied this journey for ourselves, we are in a far better position to envision and elicit each child’s native learning process and optimal developmental trajectory.

We embody, envision, elicit, and empower.


Please Note:  The Fundamentals seminars are designed and presented for your personal learning goals. As with all other movement education programs of our genre, these seminars do not offer or grant you any academic recognition, credit or credential, or opportunity for professional / governmental licensure. Nor will your completion of these experiential seminars by itself lead to employment or income in any job or occupation.

To schedule individual movement lessons for your child:
Please contact me through the contact form on the Details page.

All text and photos ©2007-2024 Sylvia Shordike